Friday 4 June 2010


psalm 73:20 says of the wicked
"As a dream when one awakes,
so when you arise, O Lord,
you will despise them as fantasies

and in the tone and content of the psalm it struck me that they will be like dreams. not just the wicked, but the whole way of life, the whole 'injustice'. the pressure to conform is so strong right now and it all seems to serious and urgent and real. like a nightmare where you are terrified and you can't see how anything else matters.
but as a dream when one awakes, all those pressures and 'realities' melt away in an instant and the true substance of life and the way things are is restored. how quickly do we forget our dreams when we wake, how instantly does their authority disappear? and when Jesus returns with shouts of acclamation the pressures and lures of sin will be like passing dreams. we will wake up in the real world.

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