Saturday 3 April 2010

drugs and drink

there's a funny pressure that people put on you when they meet you.
if they're a heavy drinker or into drugs it's kind of rude if you're not.
i told a girl that i didn't do drugs and she said "but you do drink, right?"
as if to say 'you're not completely weird are you?'

i once talked to a guy who said that he didn't want to be a Christian because he liked making his own decisions and he didn't want to give up drugs. we talked through drugs for a bit, about how he would save up all his money for them and how he liked the 'escape' they provided. then i said to him -
"so at the moment, your life (which you don't want anyone to change) is one where you get out of reality as often as you can? that doesn't sound like you really enjoy your life at all. how can that be better than what Jesus is offering?"

and he didn't know what to say,
but i don't think anything changed.

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