Friday 2 April 2010

time is love

i know that they say time is money
but i think that time is love.

i got thinking about it the other day
people were saying things like "I've got time for him" / "I've got time for you"
and i thought about how willing we are to spend time with people and why and what it communicates and what it costs us.
and i figured; it's a value system.

when i give my time to someone, i'm giving them myself.
i can't be anywhere but where i am and the time it takes to be there is the extent of how much of 'me' they get. so why would you give yourself to someone? why would you 'have time' for someone - and be willing to give yourself away when they need/want you?

i'll get up and go to work because i have to
but i only have to because i need the money.
and it's essentially springing out of this desire, need, love for money.
it can be a deferred love like that. i can love my dad so i help his friend with some work. and i can give my time to a project that i hate because i love what it is intended for, or the big picture that it is a part of.

i'll put a date in the diary to see you just so that we can be near each other, spend time together, give of ourselves in the exclusive way, where we're both tied to the same place. and i'll do that because i appreciate you, i enjoy you, i have affection for you, i love you.

and if you love someone enough you give them your whole life. you marry them.

i think that the cynical capitalist option of time being money is just missing the bigger picture that time is love,
(and the world's love is for money).
i think that throws a different angle of light on eternal life. that our unending reality is with the Trinity. we are bound with God forever, spending all our time and all our love on Him.

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