Friday 16 July 2010

life's beginning

the thing is - a cracked egg will never be a chicken
a silk worm will never be a dress
an acorn on the ground will never be an oak tree


a fertilised egg will be a human.
it is step 1 of many but the question isn’t “when does life begin?”
it begins at fertilisation
the question is “when does life stop?”
it doesn’t stop of its own accord…
instead it stops when you take the morning after pill
and it stops when you abort a baby at one of many of its stages of development.

why don’t we kill pre-pubescent children? they’re not at their final stage of development either. are we being stage-ist to say that a person needs to physically resemble a human to be alive?

with the logic of the egg/acorn/worm argument - why not destroy every egg, acorn and silkworm? and the answer is because we’d be killing off the planet’s hope of seeing an oak tree or a chicken. but then how can we attach such insignificance to these things as the argument does? and we find that it is short-sightedness.

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