Tuesday 21 September 2010


you'll forgive this for being 'applicable', i can hardly turn my thoughts off. but the rest is rhetoric, not directed to any individual even if it sounds specific, they're general thoughts.

you know who got it?
you know who got feelings and wasn't necessarily just a bookworm historian scouring for facts?
you know who had a full heart and anguish and joy?
david. he knew what was what. he knew what life was. he knew the measure of truth but he also knew the honesty of a human heart. and his heart was full, filled to bursting. he was a man who was swimming with love and passion and joy inexpressible. for as many days as he lived i bet he sang. i bet he sang with a passion of crazy proportions. his voice would be hoarse from high notes and repeated chorus and feeling. just raw, gutsy feelings and tears, more tears than i have cried in my whole life. he didn't shy away from 'reality' and he didn't shut things up into 'philosophy' and 'reason'. his life wasn't based on an obligation and he wasn't swept along by any culture, he was a man with an undivided heart. he was a man in love. he was drunk on the deepest love. it wasn't a rational love and it wasn't a tame love, he was physically overcome with affection and admiration for God. he was a baby lying, crying in safe arms of a God who knew every inch of his mind and every movement of his heart. he was a messy, flawed, weak little man, and he was head over heels for his Maker. even if a hundred other people have no idea what this is like, it doesn't change that fact that he does. his life was full and rich and colourful and real. he got it. go read his songs, he gets it.

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