Monday 18 January 2010

Jesus' trial

today i read Exodus 19:16-24 where God meets with Moses at Sinai. and it is terrifying. thunder and lightning and a deafening trumpet sound and God’s voice bellowing from fire and smoke on the top of a mountain with the threat of death if anyone touches the mountain. and then i read John 18:28-40 where Jesus is before Pilate and he says “you are right in saying that i am a king, in fact, for this reason i was born, and for this reason i came into the world, to testify to the truth” ... and it’s that same God with such terrifying power who is veiled in weakness and 19:1 ‘then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged’ and 19:3 the soldiers said ‘hail king of the jews and they struck him in the face’.

how do we deal with that? how do we deal with the cross?
we’re too academic as we recognise that Jesus’ ‘i am’ statements reveal his identity as God. they reveal Him to be the I AM of history, YHWH Himself, in flesh. cut, beaten, bleeding. His voice nearly scared Israel to death (Ex20:18-19)
and here He is, in a man’s body, on trial, being condemned to death.

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